Think of yourself when you were a freshman. I know that I was a pudgy, undersized guard on my high school football team and I looked NOTHING like Jay Terry who is an absolute powerhouse of a 15 year old.
Jay Terry is going to be a freshman in the fall in Manchester, Georgia at Manchester High School and I have a feeling the coaches are licking their lips to get their hands on him. Last night he posted a picture on Twitter after a workout and the internet went BONKERS.

If I looked like that now, I would be pumped, let alone as a freshman in high school. It’s outrageous. To really put that photo of the class of 2025 defensive end and tight end into perspective, here is an elite picture of me as a freshman playing JV against Granby High in 2015.
All in all, freshman nowadays are built absolutely different. Kids these days are benching 225, when I was a freshman I was having a blast playing Madden ‘15 and watching South Park with my hand down my pants.